VegGuide.Org: Guide to All That's Veg

Looking for veg-friendly restaurants and shopping?  Check out the Twin Cities entries of and get the inside scoop!

Some of our fave spots? Try Galactic Pizza (pictured) which serves pizza, pasta, and salads. They are very vegan-friendly, and try to use organic, locally grown products when possible, along with recycled materials.  Also check out Fast and Furless Skinless Fashion, a vegan boutique located just a few blocks from campus that has clothing, accessories, cosmetics and body care products all made without animal products or testing.

Easy Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

These websites offer a variety of vegan and vegetarian recipes ranging from quick and easy to gourmet. Check them out and start collecting your own favorite recipes for an upcoming MacVeggies Cookbook! Over 9000 vegan / vegetarian recipes, restaurant guide, coupons, product reviews and more. Large collection of reader-submitted vegan recipes from many countries. Searchable by country, title, or ingredients. Fatfree Vegan Recipes contains hundreds of delicious, healthy, fat-free and low-fat recipes that contain no animal ingredients. Hundreds of vegetarian and vegan recipes to search within or browse. Spotlighted vegetarian and vegan foods, products, menus, and restaurants. Large collection of recipes gathered from the newsgroup Thousands of vegetarian and vegan recipes, including many old favorites like sloppy joes and brownies.

Free Veg Starter Kit!

In your free Veg Starter Kit, you'll find everything needed to adopt a healthy and humane diet. Packed full of powerful information, useful tips, and mouth-watering recipes, this kit will make the transition easy.

Just click here to order your kit from Compassionate Action for Animals today.

Veg Traveling and Study Abroad

Packed with tips on traveling and studying abroad as a vegetarian or vegan, this guide created by Compassionate Action for Animals (located in Minneapolis) will be sure to enhance your dining and social experiences during your trip.

Read the guide now!

Must Reads

      Check out these books for even more info...

John Robbins, M.D., The Food Revolution, Conari Press: Boston, 2001

John Robbins, M.D., Diet for a New America, Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd.: Toronto, 1987

 Frances Moore Lappé, Diet for a Small Planet, Ballantine Books: New York,1982

 Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation, Houghton Mifflin Books: New York, 2001

Gail Eisnitz, Slaughterhouse, Prometheus Books: Amherst, New York, 1997

Erik Marcus, Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating, McBooks Press: Ithica, N.Y., 1998

Neal Barnard, M.D., The Power of Your Plate, Book Publishing Co.: Summertown, Tenn., 1990


Most of the info for this site came from articles found in other Animal Rights, Environment and Health focussed websites.  To learn more, check out some of the following sites: Compassionate Action For Animals, a local nonprofit located in Minneapolis which aims to inspire respect for animals and promote vegetarianism through outreach, education, and community building. Vegan Outreach, a national group dedicated to promoting veganism.  Check out their pamphlets and posters as well as their "Adopt a College" program. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a very active group with a variety of resources and sites. Mercy For Animals, a nonprofit dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals.